Nowadays authors in the fields of statistics and machine learning often choose to write their books openly by publishing early draft versions. For popular books this creates a lot of feedback and in the end clearly improves the final book …
Sebastian's slow blog
The Fair Price to Pay a Spy: An Introduction to the Value of Information
(This article covers the decision-theoretic concept of value of information through a classic example.)
What is the value of a piece of information?
It depends. Two factors determine the value of information: first, whether the information is new to you …
ICCV 2015, Day 4
This article summarizes the fourth day of the ICCV 2015 conference, the International Conference on Computer Vision. A summary of the first day, second day, and third day is also available.
ICCV 2017 and 2019
ICCV 2017 will be in …
ICCV 2015, Day 3
This article summarizes the third day of the ICCV 2015 conference, the International Conference on Computer Vision. A summary of the first day and second day is also available.
Interesting Papers
Registering Images to Untextured Geometry Using Average Shading Gradients …